The art of handmade

The difference between an industrial product and a handmade one is often found in the use of machinery.

At Panificio di Camillo, we choose to use technology only when it can improve the result without compromising quality. Stretching pizza and focaccia by hand is an artisanal gesture that no machine can replicate, because it requires sensitivity and control that only hands can provide.

Dough is a living organism, and by working it by hand, we can immediately assess its temperature, softness, and hydration, stepping it at the right moment to ensure the best result.

The manual process allows us to adapt to the specific conditions of each dough, something that a machine cannot do with the same precision. Hand-stretching means treating the dough gently, preserving its internal structure and fermentation, ensuring a soft and well-aerated focaccia or a crispy and light pizza.

It’s an art that requires time, experience, and passion—elements that, when combined, guarantee a superior final product that cannot be achieved with a purely industrial approach.